Why is My Faucet Leaking?

When a faucet leaking  starts dripping, your first thought might just be: “Annoying!”  That’s often quickly followed by “it can wait” or “maybe it will just stop.”

But the longer delaying tactics and excuses prevail, water is being wasted – up to 5 gallons per day, in fact. That’s the equivalent of 2,082 gallons per year. And all the while, a persistent leak is costing you money.

Why is that dang faucet leaking in the first place?  Here are the most likely causes.



A Worn-Out Valve Seat

The valve seat connects the faucet to a pipe. A valve seat can corrode from a build-up of sediment, later causing the valve seat to wear out. You can replace it with a seat wrench which reaches down into the faucet to remove the bad part.

Problem Washers

Faucet washers are made of rubber or metal and are designed to seal gaps in the pipe to prevent leaks. These can wear out, too, as they rub against those they connect. Leaks can also occur if the washer was not installed correctly, or if the washer is the wrong size.

A Broken O-Ring

These are rubber rings that fit around a pipe and work with the washers to seal up gaps. Just like washers, O-rings wear out over time and can allow water to seep through.

Loose Parts

Parts can loosen when various pipes aren’t tightly sealed, resulting in water leaking through the gaps.

Bad Faucet Cartridge

In single handle faucet designs, there is a faucet cartridge inside, one that helps regulate the flow of hot and cold water. The cartridge can develop leaks as it starts to wear out.

Broken Hardware

If a piece of the internal hardware in the faucet mechanism should break, the entire faucet may not function correctly. As a result, water could leak and drip out the faucet.

Here’s what you know: you have a leaky faucet. What you may not know is why, nor do you have the time or patience to handle the matter on your own. Here at Eagle Service Company, we have plenty of both. So, for kitchen or bathroom faucet repair, replacement, or any other home plumbing need, contact us today.