Water Heater Self-Maintenance Tips

What good is a Water Heaters that doesn’t heat water? No good at all.

And while it’s true that water heaters don’t last forever, you can keep yours running longer by practicing a few simple maintenance steps.

  1. Know what type of water heater you have.

You should know whether your water heater is natural gas, electric, continuous flow, or electric hybrid. No matter what type it might be, record the make, model, and serial number and store that information in a place you’ll remember. Even if you never need to retrieve it, it’s good to keep on hand if, let’s say, you should sell your home. Or maybe you’ll just want a reminder of how old it is before deciding to replace it.

 Water Heater Self-Maintenance Tips


  1. Learn how to turn off the water supply.

In case of an impending storm, your heater has sprung a leak, or you’re getting ready to leave for vacation, you’ll want to know how to shut off your system’s water supply. It’s also a good idea to learn the same step for your entire home.


  1. Keep the area around your water heater clear.

A gas-fired unit needs a steady supply of oxygen to burn the gas – and that means keeping no objects close by. If items around a heater are obstructing the flow of oxygen, the unit’s efficiency will be negatively impacted. Plus, the burner chamber can become damaged along with other water heater parts. It can even cause carbon monoxide leaks.

Another key to heater safety and longevity is annual system maintenance. At Eagle Service Company, a full heater inspection is part of our whole-house plumbing inspection, a service we include at no extra charge as part of our Plumbing Service Plan.

Contact us today to learn more about all the benefits of our Service Plan, or to request a home water heater inspection. It’s all about improved performance and added safety.