Prevent Falls & Injuries in the Bathroom

According to a recent survey conducted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention,  Prevent Falls  over 230,000 people are injured in the bathroom each year. Most of these injuries are caused by falls, with those age 65 and older having the highest injury rate. This age group is also more likely to suffer fractures and require hospitalization.

However, with a few preventive measures, you can drastically lower your and your loved one’s risks of slipping and falling in the bathroom. After all, everyone can benefit from a little extra safety, regardless of age.



Install Non-Slip Surfaces

Remove bath rugs which are easy to trip over. Instead, use a non-slip bath mat only for stepping into and out of the bath or shower, then place it out of the way. Install non-slip decals in the tub and shower and choose textured, non—polished tile for flooring.

Install Grab Bars

Grab bars are an indispensable bathroom safety tool. They give you something to hold onto when moving in and out of the tub or shower or getting on and off the toilet. Plus, they provide something to grab onto should you start to fall.

Remove Obstacles

In addition to removing rugs, avoid placing any other trip hazards on the floor like decorative items and plants. One of the biggest tripping hazards is the side of the tub. Consider installing a walk-in bathtub or shower. For ultimate safety, a zero entry or curb-less shower allows you to walk into and out of the shower without the need to step over a threshold.

Improve Bathroom Accessibility

Make sure that frequently used items are within easy reach without the need for bending or over-extending. Place soap, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and towels at or near eye level and within reach.

Improve Visibility

If the need to use the bathroom in the middle of the night arrives, make sure you can see the way without the need to fumble for the lamp. Install night lights to illuminate the walk from the bedroom to the bathroom. Include a night light in the bathroom as an added measure of safety.

Reduce the Risk of Over-Exertion

Those suffering from arthritis, joint or bone injuries, or other mobility issues will appreciate a raised or “comfort-height” toilet as well as a place to sit while showering. Such additions limit over-exertion which is a common cause of bathroom-related injuries.

Prevent Hot Water Burns

Though anyone can suffer a burn caused by hot water, the elderly and young children are especially at risk. Set your water heater’s temperature to a maximum of 120 degrees F and make sure bathroom taps are labeled for hot and cold water. Consider installing an anti-scald shower valve which mixes just enough cold water with the outgoing hot water so that the water leaving the fixture is not hot enough to scald someone.

At Eagle Service Company, we offer numerous ways to keep your family safe while providing added convenience. Motion-sensor faucets, comfort height toilets, shower bench seats, and grab bars are just some of the solutions to ensure your bathroom is safe and comfortable for all members of your family. Contact us today for more information or an in-home safety analysis.