If you kept track of all the ways you use regular tap Boiling Water in a day, you’d probably lose count long before sunset. It’s just one of those things that’s easy to take for granted.
But did you know that by simply boiling water, you can unlock a treasure trove of uses? Read on as we share some truly clever ideas. But first, always use caution when handling boiling water to avoid serious burns and injury.
Thaw frozen food. While a microwave can get the job done, it’s not always the best option, especially when thawing bagged frozen fruit or vegetables which can turn to mush. Instead, dip the bag in boiling water for seconds at a time. Shake it gently between dunks to ensure even thawing.
Remove stains.
Fruit stains like blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries can be removed by soaking the stained area of clothing in boiling water until the stain lifts. Stain on carpet? Carefully pour a bit of boiling water on the stain and sop up excess water with a clean towel or sponge.
Disinfect cutting boards. Even if you use different cutting boards for veggies and meat, cross-contamination can still occur. To disinfect, carefully dunk cutting boards in a pot of boiling water.
Kill weeds naturally. Kill common weeds that grow between driveway and sidewalk cracks by carefully applying a liberal amount of boiling water. This is especially effective at killing annual weeds such as chickweed, willow herb, meadow grass, and creeping wood sorrel. Weeds with broad leaves and long tap roots may need several applications.
Relieve clogged sinuses. Whether it’s seasonal allergies or the common cold, a stuffy nose can make life downright miserable. Loosen up the congestion by boiling a tea kettle of water on the stove and pouring some into a small heat-safe bowl. Place a towel over your head and carefully lean over the bowl, tenting the towel over the bowl and your head. Then, simply breathe in the steam to relieve congestion.
Unclog drains. If you have metal plumbing pipes, drain blockages can be cleared with just a tea kettle or two of boiling water. First, remove as much standing water as you can, then while wearing oven mitts, carefully pour boiling water into the drain. If you have PVC pipes, use hot tap water otherwise the high heat from boiling water can damage the pipes.
Do you also want to take showers in boiling water? Of course not. But you do want an abundant supply of hot – not boiled – water for showering, cleaning, doing laundry, and other everyday uses. If your supply is dwindling or suddenly disappears, we won’t. Instead, an Eagle Service Company plumber will soon arrive on the scene to restore the kind of hot water supply you depend on.