“Must Haves” for an Emergency Survival Kit

Mother Nature adores Alabama. After all, why would she send so many special gifts our way, like hurricanes, strong winds, tornadoes, lightning storms that knock out power and, every now and then , a bit of snow? Must Haves

Hmm, one could surmise that even Mother Nature enjoys displaying her special talents lest we forget.

Well, no one we know isn’t aware that weather always bears keeping an eye on. And yet so many people we know are never adequately prepared for when the “real thing” comes along.



Have we just described you, even just a little? If so, take note of these basic items that every homeowner should have as part of their ready-to-use survival kit.

Basic Emergency Supplies Kit

A basic emergency supplies kit should be stored in an air-tight container and kept in an easy-to find area you can quickly locate even in the dark.

  • Bottled water, about a gallon of water per person per day to last several days
  • A several-day supply of non-perishable food
  • Manual can opener
  • Hand-crank or battery powered radio
  • Flashlights
  • Extra batteries in various sizes
  • First aid kit
  • Whistle should you need to signal for help
  • Plastic sheeting and duct tape to keep rain water out
  • Moist towelettes or wipes and garbage bags with ties for personal sanitation purposes
  • Pliers and a wrench should you need to turn off utilities
  • Cell phone and tablet chargers and back-up batteries if applicable

Additional Emergency Supplies

The following additional items are also recommended but may not apply to all households or situations.

  • Masks, hand sanitizer, and disinfecting wipes
  • Over-the-counter and prescription medication in case you cannot refill on time during an emergency
  • Pain relievers, antacids, laxatives, vitamins, and other non-prescription medications
  • Contacts and contact lens solution
  • Infant formula, diapers, wipes, and rash cream
  • Pet food and extra water for you pet, plus any medications they take
  • Cash in case credit card machines and ATMs are down
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Feminine supplies and personal care items
  • Paper cups, plates, plastic utensils, paper towels, and trash bags
  • Games, puzzles, books, and other activities to help pass the time

Maintaining Your Emergency Kit

Yes, you want your emergency supply kit easily accessible, but not by small children. Store canned food and water in a cool, dry place and keep boxed food in air-tight containers. Replace used and expired items as needed, and reevaluate your family’s needs each year, updating the kit as needs change.

While Eagle Service Company has no control over Mother Nature, we have plenty of control over your home comfort systems: plumbing, heating, and air conditioning alike. Which means we can help prevent your own personal household disaster, like when your water heater suddenly stops doing its job. The key is annual preventive maintenance for each of these three systems – best of all, we are highly proficient at them all. Has it been longer than you can remember since service has been provided? If so, it’s time to call us so we can help keep your equipment in the best possible condition