If Your Sewer Pipes are “Cracking Up,” It’s No Laughing Matter!

“As much I hate winter, I love the cool crisp days of autumn, especially after hot and blistering summer weather.”

Raise your hand if you feel that way, too. And why not – moderate daytime temperatures and cool but pleasant evenings are nature’s perfect antidote to excess heat and cold.

But before you kick up your heels with delight, beware of what goes on beneath you.



You see, the roots of all kinds of plants, including trees, experience their most vigorous growth during the cooler months of autumn. In the Spring and Summer, trees and bushes concentrate on above-ground growth. As soon as temperatures begin dropping, root growth goes all out to prepare for new and stronger foliage growth the following year.

How Tree & Shrub Roots Can Damage Your Sewer Pipes

Even the roots of trees located far from sewer pipes can cause problems. That’s because secondary roots grow sideways and seek out the rich nutrients – aka, human waste – inside the pipes. Roots are crafty little devils, too – they can grow alongside a pipe for several feet, looking for even a tiny crack. Once inside, roots flourish and expand until a formidable clog has resulted – the kind that can be super costly and a real mess to repair.

No More Bad News – Promise!

Why sit back and wait for problems to unfold when you can take proactive prevention steps. First, contact Eagle Service Company to schedule a video drain inspection of your underground sewer pipes. If there’s root invasion, we’ll not only spot it, we can determine just how extensive the problem might be.

Depending on what we find, if anything, we offer these additional sewer-pipe protection and repair measures:

RootX – This is an organic compound that can be poured into your drain lines for the dual purpose of preventing root intrusion or killing those that might be there.  RootX contains no chemicals, won’t damage your pipes, and won’t harm tree or shrub roots.

Sewer Drain Clearing – Roots aren’t the only things that can cause a serious clog. Paper towels and other objects flushed down the toilet – that shouldn’t be – can be just as problematic. Sometimes all it takes to solve the problem is a thorough clearing.

Sewer Drain Repair and Replacement – Where there’s a crack, hopefully it’s repairable. That, of course, would save you money. Still, we replace plenty of sewer pipes either in part or total, but only when no other solution will restore the convenience that new and durable pipes can provide – for many long years to come.

For service you can trust with your satisfaction guaranteed, contact Eagle Sewer Company today.