Common Heating System Odors

Come fall, love it or hate it, the time comes when you need to turn on the heat for Common Heating System Odors  the first time that season.

When the heat comes on and does its job, then you don’t regret the action quite as much. After all, there was a chill in the air and you wanted it gone. But even if you’re getting all the heat you need, it might be accompanied by an unpleasant odor or two.

Here are the most frequent furnace odors and what causes them:

Dirty Sock Syndrome.

No, we’re not making this up.  Dirty Sock Syndrome is an industry-wide term that accurately depicts the odor produced by a dirty coil inside a heat pump or central AC system.  If your coil is extra dirty, chances are it’s been a long while since your system was last cleaned and checked. That’s the ticket to make this odor disappear.

Common Heating System Odors

Musty Odor.If your whole house suddenly smells like dirt or a damp basement, chances are dust and dirt have piled up on the heat exchanger during the off-season.  If that’s the case, the odor should disappear within a few hours.  If not, check your filter and clean or replace it as necessary.

Electrical Burning Smell.  Another common odor is the smell of burning plastic or electrical parts.  If, for example, you have baseboard heating, maybe a hair brush, child’s toy, or some other object fell into a baseboard unit during the warm weather months.  In that instance, the smell will be localized making it quite easy to uncover the source.  But the electrical burning smell also can be produced by an overheated furnace motor, cracked heat exchanger, or a faulty electrical connection.  Any of those are serious enough to require professional attention.

To prevent and eliminate furnace, nothing’s better than annual preventive maintenance.  Here at Bob Boldt HVAC, that’s one of our most frequently requested services. That’s because it’s also designed to keep your furnace in peak condition, reduce repairs and repair costs, provide added safety, and extend equipment life.  For more information or to schedule service, contact us today.