You’ve seen it before. A movie scene shot in slow motion for added emphasis. Sports fans, you see them all the time – slow motion replays to determine if a touchdown has been scored, and so on. As fun as…
You’ve seen it before. A movie scene shot in slow motion for added emphasis. Sports fans, you see them all the time – slow motion replays to determine if a touchdown has been scored, and so on. As fun as…
When a faucet leaking starts dripping, your first thought might just be: “Annoying!” That’s often quickly followed by “it can wait” or “maybe it will just stop.” But the longer delaying tactics and excuses prevail, water is being wasted –…
Before you close on your new home, the sale may be contingent on a thorough inspection. If it doesn’t pass muster, it doesn’t mean the deal is off, whether you’re the buyer or seller. But let’s say you’re the buyer.…
Do you ever wish your home came with an easy-to-read instruction manual? How to clean this, repair that, paint wrought iron, how often to Plumbing Service feed certain plants…and there it would be, all in one convenient source. If there…
If entering your bathroom delivers a knock-out punch to your sense of smell, you might just have “stinky shower syndrome”. Okay, that’s not an official title, but the stench can be downright brutal. shower drain stinky Mostly it’s from bacteria…
Most people don’t much care for standing in the rain. And yet, unless you’re from another planet, you most likely love a nice warm shower. So, the obvious conclusion might be that if rainwater were warmer, we’d mind it less.…
Everyone knows the story of the tortoise and the hare. They had a foot race and the tortoise won, proving that “steady and sure” usually beats “fast and careless.” Well, the same can be said about finding a plumbing company.…
Kids make noise because that’s what they do. Accidentally turn up the volume and your TV makes noise – too much noise. And then there’s your lawnmower, washing machine, street traffic and a marching band. Water Heater Oops, we forgot…
Is a homeowner’s work ever done? Not entirely. But who needs us to point out the obvious?! While some chores and projects can – and, in many cases, should – be tackled throughout the year, others are more Home Plumbing…
From the minute you wake up and brush your teeth, to the time you start the dishwasher at night, plumbing is an integral part of your life. In fact, let’s cut to the chase – it’s indispensable. Anything that important…